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5 Pillars Of Islam

1. Profession of Faith (shahada) - "I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah".

2. Establishing Salat - After becoming a Muslim, one must pursue the second pillar of Islam. Obligatory prayer is also referred to as 5-time prayer.

3. Fasting in the month of Ramadan - Every Muslim is required to fast for one full month in the month of Ramadan. The purpose is to achieve piety to Allah SWT. Among the wisdom of fasting is training patience, growing a sense of empathy towards people who are hungry so that our hearts are driven to help those who are less able.

4. Paying Zakat - Zakat is an obligation issued on the property of people who have advantages. In accordance with Islamic law, Muslims donate a fixed portion of their income to community members in need.

5. Going on Hajj (For Those Who Can) - Going on Hajj to Mecca is an obligation for Muslims who are physically and financially able.